Saturday, March 31, 2007


Molly and Kate that is. All.the.time. They strip off their clothes and diapers while busting out with some of the biggest giggles you ever did hear. Mommy and Daddy, not so amused.

Ryan on the other hand, he is such a big boy, he can get dressed all by himself. And he stays that way!

Life has been crazy as always but good. My weekend away was fabulous! The trip up was a bit scary due to an ice storm. I was driving and took it slow, reeeeaaaallll ssssllllloooowwww. Thankfully we made it safe and sound. The conference was tons of fun. Spending time with some of my best girlfriends was even better! I even had a couple of pints to celebrate St. Patty's. We ventured into NYC on Sunday. And what did four mommies away from home do? Why buy presents for the kids of course. FAO Schwarz IS still the best toy store ever!

Back home and back to the mommy groove. Ryan is really doing well in preschool. He is writing his name and even asking how to spell words. This week they had some baby chicks hatch from eggs. He was so cute talking about how he got to hold one of them. He recently declared he'd like to try camping. Camping??? With a tent and sleeping bags and a big fire to roast marshmellows. No idea where he came up with that one. LOL

Molly is, shall we say, very determined. When I came home Sunday night after being away, the first words out of Kevin's mouth, "Molly does NOT listen!" Um yeah. I know. She has a mind of her own that one. She is slightly obsessed with babies these days. If she seems a baby, anywhere, in a book, on TV, in real life, anywhere, she screeches at the top of her lungs, "Baaaaby! Baaaaby! Baaaaby!" Again no idea where that comes from as there will not be anymore babies in this house.

Kate until lately has been the one I secretly called, "The good one." LOL. Notice I said until lately. She has gotten quite a 'tude on her. "NO!" "Don't like that!" "Bad guy! You bad guy mommy!" All while sticking her butt out or placing her hand on her hip. It's so ornery I can't help but laugh. She is so petite it's hard to imagine where she gets this 'tude, but let me tell ya, she has it down pat.

I often remark, to whomever is pushing my buttons at any one particular minute, "It's a good thing you're cute." "Nuf said.

See why I NEEDED that weekend away.

We took the kids to a local Egg Hunt today. They made out quite well too. It was good practice for next week when the Easter Bunny visits Gam and Pop Pop's house. We are all anxiously awaiting a visit with Aunt Hil. The kids have been pretend calling her all week. "Hilwry. What doin'? Okay. Miss ewe. Seeya soon. Bye!"

Special thanks to Aunt Mimi. I am having a ball figuring out Photoshop and Lightroom! :)

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Girls gone wild...




I had to take pictures of the girls after letting them have "real" markers. Usually I only let them have the "Color Wonder" markers. And this would be why! (In all honestly though, it did wash off easily in the tub and the girls had a BLAST coloring all over themselves.)

Oh and yes, those are binkys in their hands. I have not had the guts to take them away yet. Anyone who feels up to the task, bring it on. hee hee They usually only get them in their cribs but when we're sick, all bets are off. We keep talking about the "Binky Fairy" and that she will be visiting us soon. She takes all the binkys to give to the new babies that need them and leaves presents. So far, the Binky Fairy is steering clear of our house.

Still hacking away here. Come on spring and the end of germy season. Kevin is working all weekend so not much happening. Gamma took Ryan for the afternoon. He LOVES spending time with Gamma. What kid wouldn't eat up some spoiling and undividied attention? Thanks Gam.

Daylight Savings Time tonight. I surely hope it doesn't totally mess up my children's clocks. Pretty please!

I going to add Flower Show pictures to my flickr account. Too many to put here. I will add more once I have a chance to photoshop them.

Counting down the days until my big weekend away!!!!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Almost forgot!

I did not win big (or even little) at Bingo! What a hoot to see all the old ladies there with their trolls all lined up and their dotters of many colors. It was fun. Nice to get out with my girlies and have a few laughs.

For real this time, nighty night.

Now it's my turn...

to be sick that is. My throat is scratchy, my head is pounding and I sound like a frog with a nasty smokers cough. But alas, the work of a mom must go on. The kiddos seem to be on the mend. Only mild fussing now instead of full on screaming. I did upload pics tonight but I am too tired to put them here. I promise I will add them in the next day or so.

Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


That's how I'm feeling today. Pooped. My kids always get a kick out of it when Mommy says she is "pooped". Poop! Poop! Can you just hear it chanted giddily by Ryan, Molly and Kate?

And the reason I am pooped.... Kate was up screaming ALL night and Molly felt the need to join her. Double screaming=no sleep! All three have had junky coughs, runny noses and have been miserable. Kate was running a fever this morning so I decided to take them all in to see Dr. O. PopPop came along to help out as taking all three to the Ped on my own is definitely a nightmare. Turns out Ryan and Molly have sinus infections. Antiobotics for them. And the reason for Kate's screaming...a ruptured eardrum! Poor baby! Mommy and Daddy are taking it hard. Here we were grumbling about missing sleep and her eardrum ruptured! So it's antibiotics all around. She has to be seen by the Ped again in three weeks to make sure she's healing. If not, ENT bound she will be. Fingers crossed.

The weather was gorgeous on Saturday and the kids needed some fresh air so we took them to the park to run around. Got some pictures I need to upload. Will do in a bit.

On Sunday, my mom and I went to The Philadelphia Flower Show. Talk about AMAZING! I was in hog heaven trying out my camera with still subjects. (Again, I need to upload. I took almost 300 pictures!) The theme was Ireland and it was definitely worth seeing. I did something to my neck on Sunday. Was okay heading up to the flower show, coming home it got worse. Ended up not being able to move it at all. Thank goodness Kevin could help with the kids. Took some muscle relaxers, iced it and got some good healing sleep. A quick trip to the Chiro on Monday and by Monday afternoon I was feeling much better. :)

Last night we had dinner at Friendly's for a MOMS Club Fundraiser. There is a little girl in our club who is not quite two that was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis in October. Ten percent of the restaurant's proceeds from last night will come back to our club for a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in her honor. I am anxious to see how much we'll be able to contribute! The kids had fun getting ice cream and hot fudge all over them. I shoulda brought my camera as it was quite the sight.

Kevin is visiting his dad tonight (he had his second knee replacement yesterday which went well) so Momma is all alone with three sick kids. I will be needing MNO tomorrow night. Cash bingo. Wish me luck!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Puppy Love?!

Isn't he too young for puppy love? Ryan has been talking about a little girl from school a lot lately. He told me the other day that A.J. was wearing a "beeeeautiful red shirt". He wants her to come for a playdate. Then he asked if another little girl who happens to be our neighbor could come play. We've lived next to each other for 5 years and now he wants a playdate? So today, Layla came over. They played. Nicely. Layla even wore some lipstick for the occasion. Oh I am SO not ready for this.

The girls have full blown colds. Drippy noses and nasty coughs. They are still eating and playing though. I always get worried whenever a cold comes along because of all their lung issues in the past.

I've been taking pictures but my trial of Photoshop ran out. Anxiously awaiting the full version from Aunt Mimi.

MOMS Club went well yesterday. We are holding a fundraiser on Monday for the daughter of one of our member's. She is 21 months old and was recently diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. If anyone is in the area and wants to come, dinner is at Friendly's. We are hoping to make a nice donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.

Not too much exciting to report. Just wanted to stick with it. :)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

I'm Trying

Trying to keep blogging that is. I can do it, I know I can. I also got my very first comment! Knowing someone may be reading this has inspired me. So if you've got a comment, I'm all ears. hee hee

Today was a pretty average day. Ryan was back to school. Still coughing some but better. His rash is all gone so he no longer looks like the Ewwww! kid. Now the girls have started coughing and with them a cough can lead to trouble, but hopefully not.

We hosted playgroup here for the younger set. As usual, Molly and Kate are scavengers when it comes to food, seeking it out wherever they can find it like they've never been fed before. I swear for such little girls they sure can eat. Speaking of size, Molly had an appointment with the Pulmonologist yesterday. She was 28 lbs 10 oz and 35 3/4 inches! That girl is all legs. Her appointment went well.

This afternoon it was siestas all around. Momma was burning the midnight oil last night working on the MOMS Club newsletter. So now I am not only the president but the newsletter person as well. That's okay, it makes me feel important and keeps me outta trouble.

Poor Gamma has the yucks still. Barfing and the dreaded "Big D". Feel better Gam!

Tomorrow is MOMS Club social and speech therapy for Ryan. Exciting stuff I tell you!